- Storyboarding helps us think through the user's journey and contextualize data.
- It guides design teams to answer questions, Who are the users? What are the use cases? What problem are we addressing at what point? When to provide what data and why.
- Storyboarding not necessarily be a sketch, but it can also be a narrative, artboards, maps, or a verbal conversation.
- Get comfortable with ambiguity.
- Failure to understanding the why behind the failure if bigger failure then actulay failing.
- Transferbale skills are timeless.
- Teams align when they think together.
- Best ideas they come from experimentation and collaboration.
- Being job-ready approach is different from being future-proof.
- Design is less of problem solving and more of problem reducing
- Can blockchain tech make fin-tech inclusive
- Explaining progressive discolsure through a video concept.
- Behavior-changing interfaces.